President Trump issued new sanctions against North Korea

Kamis, 21 September 2017

US President Donald Trump announces new sanctions against individuals and companies that enter into business with North Korea in connection with its nuclear program.

When it issued a new executive order on Thursday (21/09), President Trump said the move was aimed at "cutting off sources of income used to fund North Korean businesses developing the most deadly weapons ever known to humans".

Targeted sectors are textile, fishery, information technology and manufacturing industries.
In order to execute a new executive order with North Korea's final goal, President Trump authorizes the US Treasury to impose sanctions on companies and financial institutions that have business with North Korea.

Elsewhere, he praised China by saying the country's government has ordered its banks to stop business with North Korea.
President Trump's announcement comes after South Korean President Moon Jae-In speaks at the UN General Assembly. It was mentioned in his speech that South Korea does not want the North to collapse but that neighboring country must stop its nuclear program and return to the negotiating table.

North Korea has been subject to new UN sanctions following its latest nuclear test.
North Korea's nuclear and ballistic tests have intensified tensions over the past few weeks. Despite international pressure, North Korea continues to test.
North Korea calls Trump speech like 'dog barking'
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In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday (19/09), President Trump promised to "completely destroy" North Korea if it threatens the United States and its allies.
But North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho likened the US President's speech to 'dog barking'.
He said, "There is a saying that says: 'Let the dogs bark, the caravan passes still'."
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